Debunking the myths related to Ayurveda-2
त्यजे दार्तां भिषग भूपैरद्विष्टं तेषां द्विषं द्विषम | हीनोपकरणम् व्यग्रंविधेयं गतायुषं | चण्डं शोकतुरं भीरुं कृतघ्नं वैद्यमानिनं | अ .हृ .सू .1/34 I read this today and wanted to share it with you all. This is an excerpt from one of the Ayurvedic texts Ashtang hridayam which clearly and bluntly instructs the vaidyas to not extend their medical help to people who have ill feelings for the king or the vaidya, to enemies, to men who can't arrange for their medical expenses, to people who have an unsteady and shaky state of mind, to folks who don't follow the orders of the vaidya , to a person who is on the verge of death, to men who are arrogant, grief- stricken, timid, ungrateful and most importantly to the populace which considers themselves as doctors ...